Healthcare Workers

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Discounts for Healthcare Workers

More than ever, we appreciate healthcare workers as essential workers across the country. Through the pandemic and onward, you put your lives on the line to provide care for the ill, and you continue to be the people we look to when our friends and family members need care in times of need. To celebrate and honor healthcare workers around the country for their dedication and tendency to put others first, we're honored to offer a Healthcare Workers Discount of 25% off for our exclusive Cut Buddy products.

Healthcare Worker Appreciation

As healthcare workers, you spend so much of your valuable time on call day or night, working exhausting shifts. You can maneuver through complicated health issues, speak and listen to patients and people's problems, and work toward difficult certifications and degrees.

What little time you have to yourself shouldn't be wasted on haircuts and scheduling appointments. Grooming is vital to healthcare workers, not just for professionalism. It's an essential daily part of everyone's routine that can help us look and feel more confident, but it can be time-consuming.

The Cut Buddy seeks to make grooming at home easier and quicker than ever, so healthcare workers like you can spend your precious time doing what you love with more money in your pocket. Your skills and services are indispensable in your community, but we also recognize those who are in traveling healthcare roles and the demand this places on your schedule.

With The Cut Buddy system—whether traveling, working overnight shifts, or more—everything you need is readily available in lightweight, compact, high-quality kits and products.

We know that we genuinely cannot thank healthcare workers enough, but we hope that when you receive our fantastic 25% off Healthcare Workers Discount, we are able to help make life a little easier, one cut at a time.

Cut Buddy Pros have your back with in-depth tutorials to follow as you cut hair and groom at home. Would you love to know more about our discount for physicians, surgeons, and registered nurses or have questions about our products? Please feel free to reach out to one of our Cut Buddy Pros any time. It would be our pleasure to help.