Cleaning Tips for Your Electric Shaver - The Cut Buddy

Cleaning Tips for Your Electric Shaver

Posted by Joshua Esnard on

If you want your Bald Buddy to continue providing you with a close, comfortable shave every time, then you need to make sure you’re taking the time to clean it properly. Luckily for you, it doesn’t take much time at all! Cleaning your Bald Buddy is super easy, and it only takes a few seconds. In this video, you’ll be able to see a physical demonstration of how to clean the shaver.

When you’re cleaning your Bald Buddy Shaver, your goal is to get out as much of the hair, shaving cream, and other gunk as possible. If you allow these things to build up in your shaver, it can cause various issues. You won’t be able to get a smooth shave if your shaving head is all clogged up. Leaving large amounts of buildup can also cause damage to the head of your shaver. Sometimes it’ll stop working altogether, and you definitely don’t want that to happen!

To clean your Bald Buddy, all you need is a cup of warm water. Make sure it’s not too hot – boiling or extremely hot water can damage the hubcap. From here, you simply take your cup of water, grab the Bald Buddy, and dip the head into the water. Then you just power it on and allow the water to work its magic! After doing this for a few seconds, you can pull your Bald Buddy out of the water. If you watch the video, you can see all the hair and shaving cream in the water now. Just look at all that! And that’s only after running the shaver for a few seconds. Imagine what would happen if you let all that stuff stay inside your Bald Buddy. We can tell you this – you don’t want to find out!

As you can see, cleaning the Bald Buddy Shaver isn’t difficult at all. It only takes a few seconds to complete the cleaning, and it’s worth it in the long run. If you want to make sure your shaver lasts a lifetime, it’s important that you do this often. And if you ever forget how to clean it, you can always rewatch this video!


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